My review of ''Reflections in Dark Glasses''
I recently viewed an Australian 1960 one-off television drama called "Reflections in Dark Glasses"at the Melbourne Mediatheque via an NFSA access copy (a VHS tape, believe it or not).
This drama is about a disturbed woman who keeps searching for her young son (the title refers to the very dark glasses she repeated puts on). She tries to pick him up at school, but he isn't there. She insists that her (I think) ex-husband took her son away. By the time she is threatening her ex-mother-in-law with a pair of scissors, it is clear she isn't well. The ending is a major twist, though not an unexpected one.
One scene I particularly liked is when the ex-mother-in-law is switching between the channels on her TV set. Unhappy with the program she is watching, she switches to another channel, which is showing a program which sounds the same (the TV screen isn't shown, but we hear the audio of the program). She changes the channel again and we hear the narration of a rather dull-sounding documentary. She finally turns the TV set back to the channel she started with. This was a nice bit of comedy in an otherwise tense drama.
The commercials were missing on the copy I viewed. Running time was approx 48 minutes. The sets are quite decent, as is the camera-work. It's a very good (if implausible) drama that nobody knows about outside of Australia, and which is pretty much unknown in Australia as well.
I want a signature involving brave swordsmen, kinescopes, and soft drinks