MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 60s > National Educational Television (NET)

National Educational Television (NET)

Before my time and not of my country, but I've seen at least six programs by this broadcaster, which later became the basis for PBS. The six I've seen include two video-taped plays, one video-taped concert, and three filmed dancing presentations.

NET operated from the 1950s to about 1969/1970, not sure which. After that it was replaced with PBS.

I'm wondering if the people on this board have anything to say about this broadcaster. Did you ever watch it? Did you go out of your way to not watch it? Do you have any other thoughts about it?

This is the DuMont Television Network


I liked the animation of the 1967-70 "house" logo which opened and closed NET broadcasts. Particularly the one where the words NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION appear one at a time on top of the NET letters before morphing into the roof before the antenna is drawn atop the roof.


Speaking of NET logos, I've always wondered what the deal was with the flame inside the globe atop the "T" in the logo which I remember seeing as early as 1965-though most sources say 1966-68. I've seen it on YouTube frequently, and last saw it on a rerun of some show as late as '69-the year before NET gave way to PBS.


To me, this resembles some older versions of the "flaming chalice" logo of the Universalist Unitarian Church. Here's one example:


Speaking of NET logos, I've always wondered what the deal was with the flame inside the globe atop the "T" in the logo

Guessing it meant that NET was intended to be an educational beacon to the world, or at least the part of it the United States covers.


I wonder then if any NET shows were shown outside the US. I do know that some educational programs from the US and UK were shown where I live (Australia) from the late-1950s onwards, this is shown in the TV listings I've seen for Melbourne for that period. In the early 1960s a lot of the best of CBS's news/documentary specials were shown here (per those TV listings). I wonder if the same applies with NET shows of the later part of the decade.

This is the DuMont Television Network


I wouldn't be surprised, since PBS seemed to have in interest in cross-cultural programming, importing lots of UK productions for US viewing. I'd be surprised if some of it didn't work the other way as well; I wonder if there's any site around which might provide some listings of American-made NET productions which aired abroad, and specifically in the United Kingdom?


Regarding whether NET shows were shown internationally, I've come across websites which state that NET was part of "Intertel", a group consisting of several broadcasters producing documentaries for international viewing. From what I've read, this means that at least a few NET-produced documentaries may have also been shown in Canada, Australia and Britain.

Additionally, I did a search of US TV schedules which suggests that Australian "Intertel" documentaries Tahiti: Pacific Cocktail (1962), Ten Million Strong (1963) and 12 Flags South (1963) may have been shown on NET. It is probable that UK and Canadian Intertel documentaries may have also been shown on NET. (edit: a search of TV schedules does indeed show that "Living with a Giant", a British documentary for the Intertel project, was indeed shown in the US on NET)

This is the DuMont Television Network
