Today's TV producers give the public what the public wants, or at least want the public is supposed to want. I'm old so my habits are undoubtedly other than younger people than me, but I watch almost zero TV series, haven't for years. Of course, one reason has been because after watching a given TV show I don't think about it again during the week it takes for it to be shown again so the next time I'm unaware of it and miss it. But the main reason I haven't watched them is that I just don't like them.
I think that Americans are expected to like all these HBO and other cable TV shows. I'm sure some are good, in fact I followed one, Bates Motel, or tried to if I could remember when it was coming on. I think certain shows have an addictive quality, not that that's a bad thing.
I also realize that I have an addictive personality and that TV can easily become addicting to me. I get a physically lousy feeling, kind of in my gut but also in my head, it's difficult to describe, at the thought of considering watching some of these HBOish series. I watched the first episode of Westworld last night and, despite having a headache and feeling nauseous can't wait till the next episode.
How do I find out when it's on?