Not at all. “Mission: Impossible” and “Star Trek” were both properties of Paramount and were shot on adjoining sound stages. They both premiered in September 1966 (Star Trek on the 8th, M:I on the 17th). Martin Landau and Leonard Nimoy were already good friends when the shows’ casts were selected. When Start Trek was in development the previous year, both Nimoy and Landau were on the short list for Spock. When Landau quit M:I at the end of the third season, Nimoy stepped in as a differently named character but fulfilling the same function in the cast as Landau had. Nimoy stayed with M:I for two seasons (and, in my opinion, did some of his best work). So there was a lot of Trek/Mission crossover.
Conclusion: Paramount must have concluded that whatever was good for one series was good for the other. If viewers recognized Takei (who plays an Impossible Missions Agent) as being in the Star Trek cast, all the better.
Trust me. I’m The Doctor.