MovieChat Forums > Classic TV: The 50s > When I was a little kid I loved certain ...

When I was a little kid I loved certain shows due to their pets.

I was born in 1951. I had two shows that I particularly used to watch simply because of the pets they had. One was Topper...they had a huge St. Bernard whose name was Neil/Neal (I still have an affinity towards those loveable dogs); and The Peoples Choice because they had a talking (bassett hound?) dog named Cleo? I can hardly recall who was in The People's Choice other than I think the mayor was a very heavyset guy? But, I DO remember Ann Jeffrey's...she was a hottie that I still think is attractive! I wonder if anyone else watched shows due to the pets/animals that were on it. I think Ramar's sidekick had a little wiry monkey.

Be Naughty, save Santa a trip!


I loved Neil, too. He was more than just huge ... he was an alcoholic. I wonder if that would "fly" today. I doubt it.

I was more into "Sheena, Queen of the Jungle," than I was Ramar. I wanted to wear her cool outfit. . As I recall, she had a chimpanzee as a sidekick.

The little terrier, Asta, in the Peter Lawford/Phyllis Kirk TV version of The Thin Man was also a cutie.


Oh yeah, Sheena had a chimp as a did Jungle Jim or did he have some kid? lol I liked that Thin Man show too. I guess because of my affinity towards Neil I have always liked big dogs. Several years ago, one of my neighbors had a female St. Bernard...I lived on a lake then and when I would come home...I was a traveling rep for a I would be gone for a week at a time...this big StBernard would come greet me. I really liked that dog. The neighbor bred her for puppies and one night they had a flash fire in their chimney and the poor thing was killed with her puppies. I still get mad about that poor dog...the couple were newly weds...and the husband jumped out of the house before he even got his wife out...and of course, they left the poor dogs in their basement. Makes me sick, even now, writing about it..some forty plus years later.

Be Naughty, save Santa a trip!


Some people should never be allowed to own animals. Btw I like big dogs too.
Its an ill wind....


I know they were made in the early 1930's but we saw the Our Gang/Little Rascal shorts on television in the 1950's. One of the stars in those circa 1933 shorts was Pete the dog (with the circle around one eye). In his autobiography PLEASE DON'T SHOOT MY DOG, Jackie Cooper writes about how he really loved that dog and one of the best experiences of his life was when he was allowed to stay at Pete's owner's house with Pete for an entire weekend. The title of the autobiography is not about Pete but another dog that was Jackie's. Jackie was used by the studio because he could cry on cue. But during the shooting of one scene for a feature film, the director was not satisfied with Jackie's crying. So to get him to cry, he growled, "We are going to it one more time and if you don't cry convincingly, I am going to have the studio cop take your dog away and shoot him!"


I rECALL SEEING THAT INTERVIEW. I think it was during the filming of The Champ. I believe he said that this great relationship he had with Wallace Beery was only 'on camera'. Once the filming stopped he shooed him away like he was a prop. I guess dog lovers can sense when they see another dog lover. Clark Gable had a great relationship with Call of the Wild. Gable looked like he really loved that dog...and read where he did attempt to buy Buck from it's ownere but he eitehr wouldn't sell or wanted too much for him. I know those kids really seemed to love ole Pete

Be Naughty, save Santa a trip!


PLEASE DON'T SHOOT MY DOG includes some photographs. One photograph is of Jackie Cooper as a boy with Wallace Beery. The caption of that photo as published in the book was something like, "I did three films with the man and he never said a kind word to me."


Beery must have been a real piece of work. There was an unsubstantiated rumor that he beat Ted Healey(3 Stooges) to death in a bar's parking lot. Supposedly, the studio got him out of town for awhile until things died down.

Be Naughty, save Santa a trip!
