Car 54

Does anyone remember the series Car 54 starring the guy who later played Herman the Munster in the "Munsters"? I swear Herman looked just like my dead son-in-law Herman. Does anyone else have a relative who looks like a charactor from a TV series?

"Oh death in life, the days that are no more.."


Car 54 was on the air in the '60s, not the '50s.


The trivia that I remember from Car 54 Where Are You is that both Fred Gwyenne (Officer Muldoon) and Joe E Ross(Officer Toody) had previously played soldiers on The Phil Silvers Show. Gwyenne had played a soldier who had been snowbound in Alaska for so long that he had memorized the only book available to him(an encyclopedia of birds) and Master Sergeant Bilko therefore got him on a television quiz show (a' la The 64,000 Question) with the category of birds as his specialty. Ross played a regular, the cook, Sergeant Ritzek. And the woman who played his nagging wife on the Phil Silvers Show, Beatrice Pons, also played his nagging wife in Car 54 Where Are You.


Car 54 was on the air in the '60s, not the '50s.Another example of the stupidity of splitting up the "classic TV" boards.

I want to shake every limb in the Garden of Eden
and make every lover the love of my life


Yeah, I remember. Funny show.

Just think, with today's GPS technology, they wouldn't have to ask, "Car 54, where are you?"


Funny, but a few weeks ago, for no reason I could discern, I found myself singing the show's opening song, and remembering every word. This when I can't ever remember where I put that coffee that I just made....

I want to shake every limb in the Garden of Eden
and make every lover the love of my life


Perhaps the only TV theme to mention a then-current Russian leader: "Khrushchev's due at Idlewild..." (the old name for JFK Airport)

Don't get me started on the awful 1994 movie version, with Dr. Cox from "Scrubs" as Muldoon (perhaps Brad Garrett would have been better) and that dude from "Scrooged" (and the New York Dolls) playing Toody. It's in the IMDb Bottom 100 (#65 right now) and deservedly so.


I think Car 54. Where are You? is one of the funniest shows. It is on MeTV early Sunday mornings. Al Lewis always made me laugh out loud with his lines.


"The Phil Silvers Show" and "Car 54" were both created by Nat Hiken... no surprise that they shared a few performers. And both shows had characters with dog names (Schnauzer, Doberman).
