early candy commercials
"This is a camel, the ship of the desert. He can go a week without drinking any water. He something something something something. What more could a camel want?"
"I want a Clark Bar."
BOOM bi bi BOOM bi bi BOOM bi bi "I am the King of the candy bars. Chocolate covered Peter Paul Mounds."
"Chunky! What a chunka chawklit!"
"B.O.---N.O.---M.O., Bonomo. Oh, oh, oh, it's Bonomo, candy."
"M&M melts in your mouth, not in your hands"
"Good and Plenty, Good and Plenty"
"As a cereal it's dandy, for snacks it's so handy, or eat it like candy. Post Sugar Crisp."
There were other candies which I don't remember having filmed commercials, but the announcer, like Rex Marshall, held a Three Musketeers Bar or a Mars Bar, or a Mason Mint in his hand while he talked it up.