Coolest openings for '50s shows?
Most of the 1950s TV shows had pretty basic openings: Often a drawing or a cartoon accompanied by the theme song (I Love Lucy, Jack Benny, The Honeymooners, Sgt. Bilko, Wagon Train, Maverick, Cheyenne, etc.); Or for sitcoms, the family leaving the house one by one to introduce each actor.
So, what show from the '50s did you think had a really cool opening? I don't mean just a cool theme song, but a creative visual to go along with it.
For me, I liked the opening to "The Adventures of Superman." Not only has the "faster than a speeding bullet" narration become famous, but when I was a kid, I was really impressed seeing Superman/Clark Kent standing in the whole outer space setting.
Anyway, any other openings that were your favorites?