Buying 16mm film off Ebay
I have a Bolex paillard. I used it in film school, but didn't really stray from buying color negative directly from Kodak. Now, I'm becoming more bold, but I still don't know what to do.
I know to never buy kodachrome; however, are these film stocks okay? CROFILM-9-New-and-1-Opened-box-/151031346263?pt=US_Camera_Film&has h=item232a2b7457
What is Kodak Imagelink? Is it a good stock? Can I still get it developed? I usually use Fotokem.
What about this one? PIRED-UNOPENED-OLD-/261204882198?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3c d1063316
What is a positive film? Does that mean reversal? Is this film in black and white or color?
Thank you for your answers. Should I be asking this question somewhere else?