B itchin' Kitchen

This girl is wack.


Psychedelic Furs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQAbumYhm3w


Never heard of this.

All I know is that Bitchin' Kitchen is a catering company in Toronto. Has been for years.

Girl... Just what exactly is that tacky outfit trying to say?


Maybe it's one in the same. I believe she is from Canada. Her cooking blog was highly successful and directly lead to her having her own show. She tends to get a little hammy, a little out there. Sometimes it is amusing other times it's irritating. I watched the first few and then now, only catch the episodes randomly.


She started out real "edgy" with her accent, her attitude, and hair-do...

Now, she has been Hollywood-ized, and she is not so edgy.....Pity.


That show it so corny. Is the joke on the viewer?
