We had UHF in the late 50's and early 60's if I remember correctly, there was a round, wire like antenna attached to the back of the second TV my parents bought, the programs weren't very good and reception was bad. For the VHF, we had a big antenna on the roof of the house. We had the 3 major networks, WGN, public television and another local station I can't remember. TV is the evenings was very good even though we had so few stations, most of the shows were well written and there was a wide variety. The mini series of the 60's and 70's were often better than the movies produced at that time. Best of all, TV was free. My husband and I have cut back on TV, we have Direct TV and recently changed to the cheapest package which is still very expensive and the majority of the channels are Crap. I resent paying for shopping channels, religious channels, etc.but we don't want to go without local news and still want to be able to watch TV. We may still give up TV altogether in the near future.
I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
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