MovieChat Forums > Crime, Police, Detective, Conspiracy > What show/episode is this from?

What show/episode is this from?

Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the name of an episode of a show I saw quite some time ago (I was almost certain it was SVU, but could be wrong).

The episode had a killer who would drain the blood of his victims slowly, over hours or days. The killer either turned himself in or was arrested and told the cops that a girl would be dead by around 6:00AM the next day unless they found her in time. The ending involved the officers lying to the crim, saying that the time was up when there was still a few hours to go, and he gives them the location of the girl and she survives. I remember him asking a guard what the time was, and then flipping out.

I don't know if anyone will be able to figure out what the episode is based off this description, but still it's worth a try.


There is an episode of Criminal Minds very similar to what you are describing.
From Season four episode 14 titled Cold Comfort.


Just checked that ep out. Very similar, but the ending is different so that isn't it.




I would have said the 'Criminal Minds' episode too. I doubt there would be 2 episodes of that type of show that would be so similar, that would be plagiarism.


I checked all seasons of SVU and found nothing like OP post details. So positive it is not SVU.


I read all the episode summery's from SVU and there is no episodes like the one you describe. If you think of any of the cops names or actors or any other detail post them and will still check around and see what might fit.


Was the bad guy played bt Chris Elliott?

"Don't look at me, I just know stuff."
