I doN't know about USA ( anymore ), I am back in britain for my spouse's HELP and to help my spouse , but in BOVINEs' Britain , as of July 2012 they areN't even showing -PersonOf-Interest- which all other countries=civilised ones, had already bought and featured.
english TV will show "Reality" police shows (after the PR DEPTs ensure english police woMen get depicted as "heroes") with "good" police woMen = i.e. NOt REALity . In English "Fantasy/thriller" shows like -Line-oF-Duty-, white,english women beg to give BlowJobs to BLACK english/BRIT Police MEN = GENTs And english police woMen are corrupt, rude , lazy Plus Obese =i.e. REALITY. In england everything is UpsideDown, PERVerse WITH/About english "ppl", Reality is Stranger/MoreSORDID than fantasy. english women drink and sleep around more then men. Moreover, english preteen ! girls drink and sleep aroung more than english women and MEN! 8-9y.o. english girls , for Real, KEENly Pay men for the "girls" to do PORN Sex for the Unwilling Men ( that;s why there are so many gay men and "paedos" in England)
Italian police shows like Zen , showed Italian police being smart, HEROic, cultured, speaking English , Respecting and LOVING ( OLD ) Ladies, drinking the Best Wine and eating the best food = REALITY! French drama -TheSpiral- with SEXy French Gent Gregory Fitoussi also showed FRENCH PPL as CLASSY, CULTURED EVEN WHEN CORRUPT!
The BENT-in-all-Aspects english have NOthing to show for!