Moon Landing Conspiracy

The flag waving has been clearly debunked, see video:

But what about this?

The astronauts did not bring enough oxygen with them, there was no air lock in the LEM, and they entered and exited the Lunar Module 19 times a day, in which they lost all their air every time the LEM’s hatch was opened. There’s no way they could do that.The astronauts didn't bring enough air!

NASA faked most of the evidence they provided to back up their claims of going to the moon. The supposed Moon Landings were one of the greatest hoaxes on science ever. There is no chain of evidence for the moon rocks the astronauts provided, so the scientist placed to authenticate the moon rocks resigned. Almost all the photos are studio quality, perfectly framed even though the cameras were welded to the astronaut's chests and were sticking out three feet from astronaut's chests, and they couldn't point the camera adequately. And the cross hairs on the photos have been super imposed behind objects. Many of the photos show multiple light sources with flood lights, an impossibility on the moon since the missions didn't bring or rig up flood lights to backlight photos. In the videos the astronauts used the same location to fake movements on multiple day shots. There is video footage of astronauts cutting out cardboard in a semi circle to fake the image of the earth in orbit in an attempt to claim that the capsule was three days away from earth when really it stayed in earth orbit. Many of the tapes show a director telling the astronauts what to say. In Australia there was a moon scene broadcast where an astronaut kicks over a coke bottle on the surface of the moon. There was not enough air in the LEM, nor could the astronauts get through the hatch with inflated suits.

I heard about that as well, and believe it was debunked as simply being a narrator for an introduction to an interview session or something.

Basically, every conspiracy surrounding the moon landing has been thoroughly debunked.

Dutch Rock

One thing that makes me pretty sure this is not going to give hoax believers a field day, is that it only took a quick geologist's look to determine that this was fake. If other moon rocks were fake, geologists would have known after only some quick inspection.

On top of that we have to remember that this fake moon rock was given to a Dutch ex-premier as a gift 40 years ago, and has never been in scientific circles before.

So the Dutch just assumed it was a moon rock because they got it with a rather ambiguous plaque:

A jagged fist-size stone with reddish tints, it was mounted and placed above a plaque that said, "With the compliments of the Ambassador of the United States of America ... to commemorate the visit to The Netherlands of the Apollo-11 astronauts."

The plaque does not specify that the rock came from the moon's surface.

It was Drees (the ex-Prime Minister who originally got the rock) who assumed it was a moon rock. When someone from the Rijksmuseum phoned with NASA to check whether it really was, NASA said it was possible. But still, the museum curators were still pretty careless with the whole deal.

1. It is misleading to say "fakes" as that implies deceoption on purpose. The event in question is simply a silly mistake.

2. It is incorrect to imply that the people who study these things can't tell the difference between rocks gathered from the Moon and meteorites (some of which we know do come from the Moon).

3. As noted in the story, this rock wasn't studied. when it was, the error was picked up. No big deal; and again, no reason to cry "fake".

Wires used

Mythbusters actually debunked that one.

Not enough oxygen

They carried enough O2 for two weeks. The CO2 that astronauts exhaled was filter by lithium hydroxide.

There were six moon landings in total. The first involved only a single "extravehicular activity" (moon walk). The next two each had two EVAs. The last each had three moonwalks and one so-called "stand up" EVA, which entailed one astronaut standing halfway out of the top hatch of the lunar module. Each mission had at most four evacuations of the oxygen from the lunar module, and not "nineteen times a day". The breathing gas was pure oxygen at a pressure of about 4.5 PSI, which is a pressure much lower than atmospheric pressure at the surface of the earth. Furthermore, the oxygen in the lunar module was kept cryogenically (very cold, and in a liquid state), so was much denser than how breathing oxygen is normally kept for, say, medical applications or diving on earth. Also, the lunar module had a re-breathing apparatus aboard, which removed the carbon dioxide from exhaled breath out of the breathing supply and gave out pure oxygen again. This way, when the oxygen was not being purged for an EVA, oxygen was being consumed at a rate of only a few grams per hour per astronaut. This system is very efficient for supplying plenty of oxygen on a prolonged lunar stay.


Bump, come on, someone has to have some knowledge here.


An interview I recently watched led me to believe that they used photos from training sessions to release to the public, but that fact did not mean they did not land on the moon. The fake photos are really obvious. The person being interviewed had a British accent, and I think his name was Green, but I could be really wrong on that. He did not believe that they landed on the moon. If I find it I'll post it, but I did not save it and just happened upon it while looking at other videos. I'm not sure how I came upon it. Do you know who I'm talking about? He's probably in his early 60s, thin, stylishly dressed.

The perfect human being is uninteresting. - Joseph Campbell


I heard about that as well, and believe it was debunked as simply being a narrator for an introduction to an interview session or something.

Basically, every conspiracy surrounding the moon landing has been thoroughly debunked.

Dutch Rock

One thing that makes me pretty sure this is not going to give hoax believers a field day, is that it only took a quick geologist's look to determine that this was fake. If other moon rocks were fake, geologists would have known after only some quick inspection.

On top of that we have to remember that this fake moon rock was given to a Dutch ex-premier as a gift 40 years ago, and has never been in scientific circles before.

So the Dutch just assumed it was a moon rock because they got it with a rather ambiguous plaque:

A jagged fist-size stone with reddish tints, it was mounted and placed above a plaque that said, "With the compliments of the Ambassador of the United States of America ... to commemorate the visit to The Netherlands of the Apollo-11 astronauts."

The plaque does not specify that the rock came from the moon's surface.

It was Drees (the ex-Prime Minister who originally got the rock) who assumed it was a moon rock. When someone from the Rijksmuseum phoned with NASA to check whether it really was, NASA said it was possible. But still, the museum curators were still pretty careless with the whole deal.

1. It is misleading to say "fakes" as that implies deceoption on purpose. The event in question is simply a silly mistake.

2. It is incorrect to imply that the people who study these things can't tell the difference between rocks gathered from the Moon and meteorites (some of which we know do come from the Moon).

3. As noted in the story, this rock wasn't studied. when it was, the error was picked up. No big deal; and again, no reason to cry "fake".

Wires used

Mythbusters actually debunked that one.

Not enough oxygen

They carried enough O2 for two weeks. The CO2 that astronauts exhaled was filter by lithium hydroxide.

There were six moon landings in total. The first involved only a single "extravehicular activity" (moon walk). The next two each had two EVAs. The last each had three moonwalks and one so-called "stand up" EVA, which entailed one astronaut standing halfway out of the top hatch of the lunar module. Each mission had at most four evacuations of the oxygen from the lunar module, and not "nineteen times a day". The breathing gas was pure oxygen at a pressure of about 4.5 PSI, which is a pressure much lower than atmospheric pressure at the surface of the earth. Furthermore, the oxygen in the lunar module was kept cryogenically (very cold, and in a liquid state), so was much denser than how breathing oxygen is normally kept for, say, medical applications or diving on earth. Also, the lunar module had a re-breathing apparatus aboard, which removed the carbon dioxide from exhaled breath out of the breathing supply and gave out pure oxygen again. This way, when the oxygen was not being purged for an EVA, oxygen was being consumed at a rate of only a few grams per hour per astronaut. This system is very efficient for supplying plenty of oxygen on a prolonged lunar stay.


I'm neutral on the subject. But always beware when anyone uses the phrase "thoroughly debunked".



Always beware no matter what is said...

But in this case, the debunking is fairly exhaustive.

