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Police consultant in tv series

Do you know any more tv series with a consultant working for the police? Like in Castle, Psych, The Mentalist, Sherlock, Monk and Perception. shows with multiple seasons (current airing or ended). maybe with two female and male main characters
I prefer shows that started after the year 2000.
I am curious how many shows like that actually made it past a first season.


I hadn't thought about Elementay.
I didn't consider Bones (Dr. Temperance Brennan) as a consultant but she kinda is.


Wire in the Blood is a UK show with a psychologist working for the police.

There were 6 series in all from 2002 to 2008.

Do you happen to know how to fly this thing?


Will graham in Hannibal is a consultant working for the FBI. Amazing show, especially the 2nd season, check it out.


I am the worst person to watch Cop shows with. 20 years in police work, did SWAT and retired as a detective. My wife hates it as I am always like "cover the back door!" Of course they don't which allows the show to go on, but I never forgot the real stuff!


I've been watching Police shows for 40 years and I say the same things.
