MovieChat Forums > Crime, Police, Detective, Conspiracy > Best police show/movies ever

Best police show/movies ever

Police academy especially the blonde policewomen


One thing I don't like about Hill Street Blues is that it started the "previous on..." trend. Pre-Hill Street Blues, that used to be reserved for the second and third parts of continued episodes. And I can't think of any other show that had scenes from prior shows followed by scenes from the show about to air. Then, after the first season, most of the episodes seemed to start with an establishing shot of the city against a version of the theme song. So not counting the roll call scene in the teaser, that's about 10 to 15 minutes before the show starts in earnest?

Je suis Charlie Hebdo.


Hill Street Blues hands down.


Blue Bloods
New Tricks (unsolved crimes) British excellent!


Well okay then. 😎


Forgot to add. . . Law & Order. Law & Order: Judge and Jury.


The Wire


Police Story (early '70s TV show)
The Sweeney (mid-'70s British TV police series)
Hill Street Blues
Homicide:Life On The Street (of course--my fave and almost a precursor to The Wire.)
Simon & Simon
Chicago P.D. (my current cop show fave)
DaVinci's Inquest (classic Canadian cop show----loved this one.)
This Is Wonderland--another good Canadian drama about lawyers and criminals within the Canadian court system----it was whacked out and funny in a dark way too.)



Third Watch, absolutely fantastic series and cast. Set in New York. Was on late 90s early 2000. It was probably the only show at the time which aired some episodes featuring the aftermath of 9/11. Some of the cast (Firefighters) were killed that day.
