MovieChat Forums > Health & Fitness > Veganism is the best way to gain muscle?

Veganism is the best way to gain muscle?

Sorry, but i had to make a thread about this.

What has sparked this rant from me is from watching videos on youtube from a poster on there called Vegan Gains. He is an ex competitive bodybuilder who turned vegan. He does pretty much claim that becoming a vegan is the best way to gain the best muscular body (amongst other things). Im sorry, but I find this claim so very flawed, and ill tell you why.

If being a vegan over a meat eater was the best way to gain the best muscular body, then here is my counter question to this claim.....then why arnt all Mr and Ms Olympia level bodybuilders eating like vegans then???.

And please dont respond to this by saying "Its because they just love their steak or their hamburgers or their chicken burgers too much to give it up and go vegan". No no no and no. We are talking about bodybuilders here, not normal average everyday people. When it comes to food and diet, bodybuilders are easily among the most disciplined, dedicated and sacrificing people there are towards it. They put "whats best for them" over "what they actually want to eat" so so so much. We are talking about people who off season, will eat something like 6,000 calories a day, but on season....will drop it down to 2,000 or even 1,500, just to cut up for competition. Bodybuilders spend about 2-4 weeks dropping their calories so much, just to cut up for competition, this is how they get as lean as they do.

Can you imagine eating only a 3rd of the calories that you normally do everyday for 2-4 weeks?, you'd be hungry nearly all the time. And not only that, their diets then become so clean, as clean as a bar of soap. They will cut out all foods that are not low in carbs and very low in fat during that period aswell. Forget that burger you love, forget that pizza you love, forget mars bars, forget loafs of bread, all thats gotta go during that cutting up period. If you watch pumping iron, during the competition, you hear ken waller and tom platz saying that they are just dying for a cheese roll or an ice cream soda....because they have been depraived of it for so long.

I can only name 1 non meat eater bodybuilder past or present, and thats Albert Beckles. So no....if being Vegan really was the best way to gain the best muscle.....they would all go vegan, no doubt about it. Not only long was Albert Beckles or Vegan Gains bodybuilders when they wernt vegetarian or vegan?. Doesnt it occur to them that protein and amino acids from meat built up much of the muscle they have that they still carry today?. Maybe what Vegan Gains is proving more than anything else is that Veganism works for keeping and maintaining the muscle you already have...not building it all up from scratch.

And no....this is not a thread against vegetarianism and veganism...its a thread against flawed claims.


No sir, I wouldn't like it.

Im starting to think your a bot now.


There are many great vegan athletes and body builders out there. The famous German strongman,Patrik Baboumia, is vegan.

A healthy, whole foods, no added fats or oils plant-based diet is the best way to go. It cleans up your bloodstream so it moves faster to help healing and recovery times after a workout. Those regular aches and pains that most people assume is inevitable with intense work outs go away much faster and you can wake up in the morning and not feel all stiff. Plus it will keep you from getting cancer and heart disease and there are plenty of muscle men dropping dead from sudden heart attacks after a life of eating saturated animal fats.

And here is another one...

From Butcher to PlantStrong vegan..


Not only to gain muscle but to gain good health as well. It's a shame more people don't seem to realize or see this.

"Ignorance I can fix, Stupid is forever"


Its been a while since i last made any input into this thread i started, been on holiday ect.

I still dont feel as if the main question i posed has really been tackled. Im not really interested in discussing and debating the ethical reasons for omnivore diet vs vegetarian/vegan diet, because theres a few things non veggies and veggies are never going to see eye to eye on, which is always going to make the discussion fall flat on its face.

The main ones are:-

The stances on validity of life. The non veggie stance is, that human beings lives are more important and valid than an animals life. That their is a natural hierarchy between humans and animals. The vegetarian/vegan stance tends to be.....a human beings life is no more important than an animals life and vice versa. Which is why peta compares a chicken coop to the holocaust.

The stance on the methods of slaughtering animals. Many vegetarians and vegans seem to have a total black and white view on this. They see no difference at all between slaughtering an animal with a quick and painless death like electricuting and breaking its neck, or guilitining its head off, or purely electricuting its head vs something like picking up a piglet and slamming its body to the ground till its dead, or repeatidly stomping on a calfs head till its dead or skinning a python alive and leaving it to hang on a banner litterally skinless (like i saw in Mondo Cain). And whenever vegetarians and vegans try to tell you just how it is in all slaughter houses, they always show you clips of those worst methods and make it "this is how they ALL are ALL the time".

But as far as believing that a vegan diet is the best way to build and maintain muscle....well.....i fall back on my original argument still to this.....Why arnt all pro bodybuilders doing it then???. Why are they denying themselves the best chance at winning the next mr olympia or ms olympia by not cutting out meat and dairy products from their diets??. No one out there i dont think dots their I's and crosses their T's when it comes to their diets as much as bodybuilders do. They will eat only the egg whites of an egg and not the yoke. They will eat cooked potatoes with no margarine or butter on. They will cook, boil grill or bake their food, and never fry it. They will drop their calorie intake from 6,000 calories a day to only 2,000 when its on season time. Do you really think cutting out meat and dairy products would feel like too much bother for them when they do all those other things?, i dont think it would.
