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People trying to lose fat: I went low carb and it is AMAZING

No starving here. I eat low carb foods everyday until I'm full(mainly meat and vegetables), yet keep losing body fat.

I started seeing a change right away. My once formidable gut, which I'd struggled with for years, went flat in less than a month. Those who have witnessed this transformation are mystified, and I can hardly believe it myself.

I feel like a new person, and wonder "Why the hell didn't I try this a long time ago?"

If you're struggling to lose weight and get lean, give it a shot for a few weeks. It worked for me!


i used to weight over 500 pounds

I was tricked into low carb by my sister in 2003. That's how the weight loss started

I tried low carbing again in 2008. it put my stomach through a hell I don't want to go through again

My sister said something about the way my farts smelled. she said that was a bad thing and i should not be low carbing anymore

I lost about another 20 pounds but my stomach was constantly upset.

i've considered trying it again since i've put on weight but at the same time, it costs too much money to keep at it

Love, em & leave Em & take half of everything. That's my motto - Granny from ice Age


In my case, the grocery bill has gone down (and I have experienced no gastric disturbances!  ). But I can relate to your health concerns.

At first, I tried starting it cold turkey like Atkins and others recommend to "shock" the body, but felt fatigued, mentally and physically. Plus I had a kitchen full of "forbidden" foods that I wasn't just going to throw out.

So I said to hell with that. I eased into it. Day by day, my bread and pasta supplies were depleted and my daily carb count got lower and lower, and I lost more and more fat.

In other words, I skipped the most miserable part, and it still works. No doubt I would have gotten thin even faster jumping right into it like the so-called experts recommend, but the end result would have been the same. The less carbs you consume, the more your body will have to rely on stored body fat. Period.

If you do try again, go at your own pace and don't make yourself miserable. Then, by the time you get down to the low carb threshold (20-40g), it comes naturally.


Totally agree with u on low carb diet. More than fat loss, it's very healthy.
If low carb diet is combined with occasional Intermittent Fasting, the results r epic.

A person who has health has hope n a person who has hope has everything.


More than fat loss, it's very healthy.

Yes, that too! I think it's the diet our bodies are meant to consume. After all, the cavemen weren't stuffing their faces with pasta and potato chips.😁


A healthy diet is very important!


Low carb diet is more healthy than the so called "healthy diet".

A person who has health has hope n a person who has hope has everything.


Low carb works wonders but I eventually went off it because it's so difficult. "MOST" everything you can have is refridgerated and that's exhausting.

I now just keep the weight off by eating healthy, smaller portions and some exercise (that's the typical method I know).

I do keep carbs in mind but it's just nearly impossible to keep them low regularly the way Atkins does because there are just very few 'on the go' foods and challenges when eating over at a friend or family's house.

Relax, all right? My old man is a TV repairman, he's got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it!
