Do you wish you were never circumcised ?? I do
It happened to me back in the 70's as most American boys are cut or mutilated for really no reason other than very tiny health benefits. I guess we are lucky because we did not get a botched one when they have to either graft new skin from your scrotum or simply try to reattach the thing if they really screwed up.
The foreskin makes up 50 percent of your penile skin and has up to 20,000 sensory nerves and protects the upper third of the penis and tip from being keratinzed. Plus during circumcision you lose other sensitive parts that are taken out or damaged like the Ridge bands and Frenulum.
You wonder why USA and Israel are the Viagra kings.
Utterly sick and disgusting and I even told my Mom about it once on the phone.
I found out that my Dad was totally impotent by age 55 !!!
I am about 40 and I feel like I am only semi-sensitive at best down there.
Most of the research in America strongly supports Circum but when you read the European sites you get something opposite.
Opinions ??
I am not doing the foreskin restoration thing as you are not really growing back the real sensitive skin