MovieChat Forums > History > Rules of Orthodox Judaism

Rules of Orthodox Judaism

I don't want to post this on the Religion board because they mostly discuss issues like homosexuality or troll, often both. I figured this issue also deals with history, and people on this board usually take things a little more seriously.

So, unless there's an ex-orthodox Jew posting here I won't get much of a response until sundown tomorrow. I started reading online about some of the rules to follow and what they mean today and wondered if anyone is knowledgeable enough to discuss the issue. Im not arguing for or against orthodoxy but curious about some logic of some rules as they've been applied to modern changes in technology and wondering how people who do consider themselves orthodox handle it all.

I had a lot of classmates in high school who were Jewish, but can remember only one who was orthodox for certain. He spent a summer on a kibbutz and was allowed to grow a beard.

Some of the things I'm curious about are the rules like no lighting or putting out a fire and the fact that now it applies to electricity. The use of sabbath clocks. Actually, I have a lot of questions. Any takers?

(And now I'm signing off because I'm tired so I won't be back to reply until tomorrow.)

"There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." - Rod Serling


There are lots of Jews on the Politics board, and if you pose a serious question there shouldn't be too many trolls.

In his cloak of words strode the ringmaster


Ok.... Ask away.... I'll do my best to answer.

Call me Ishmael...


Majority of the ultra Orthodox have little education and most live on Government welfare. They tend to have huge families and live in a time warp from centuries ago-they are extremely backwards and bizarre people.


Sorry I didn't come back sooner. I haven't felt well. I had a talk with my neighbor, who is Jewish, and she said many of the orthodox families here send their children off to boarding schools after they finish the Jewish day school. So, I guess that's why I never knew many who were orthodox, while having many Jewish friends. My neighbor's grandson attends the day school, but isn't orthodox.

I was just curious about how Orthodox Jews can follow so many rules and still live a life that's keeping up with modern times at all. It's difficult enough if you are Christian or not religious at all to keep up with everything in the life of a family without having to abstain from driving and turning lights on and off, and wouldn't studying schoolwork fall under prohibition during the sabbath? Most of us feel we don't have enough time as it is. And so many events for children happen on Friday nights and Saturdays. If both parents are working and have to observe the sabbath so strictly then how do they ever get everything done?

Also, I found it interesting how modem issues have been addressed. There was no electricity when these rules were made so why are they interpretted the way they are? And why was it forbidden to light or put out a fire in the first place? Doesn't that seem necessary? Or now if someone is ill you may drive them to the hospital, but once there you may not turn off your ignition because the act of driving there was all that was needed. To do so would be considered putting out a fire. It seems to me since driving wasn't expressly mentioned in the Torah then wouldn't driving the person back home seem reasonable to be part of the same event and necessary?

I've read both sides about covering the head with wigs for women and just can't buy it. I understand that if it's not your real hair there may be less glory in it and your Jewish friends and neighbors would understand that, but how does the other guy on the street know it's a religious act? He might just think the woman looks better than if she didn't wear the wig. In this case it seems like a scarf or other head covering makes more sense.

Those are the type of things I was thinking about when I posted. It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with whether or not anyone should follow the rules of their religion. That's a different issue. It's more about the logical consistency within those rules as they've been interpreted for modern times.

Also, I'm not really talking about Hasidic Jews or groups that really separate themselves. I do know of some Orthodox Jews where I live who you'd never know were unless they told you. They have a very secular life, too, but I still wonder how they do it all. Just keeping kosher must be so difficult. It's one thing to abstain from eating certain foods, but to have to not eat certain foods together (okay, maybe) and keep two refrigerators and oven and sets of dishes... I saw an amazing kitchen on the cover of a decorating magazine that showed a designer kosher kitchen. But many people wouldn't have a kitchen that large or be able to afford all that they had.

I'm really just curious about living that way and the logic of some of the modern interpretations, that's all.

"There is nothing in the dark that isn't there when the lights are on." - Rod Serling


Wombat, it's good to see you here, good advice as well.

I haven't been on this board in a year or two. It's a lot slower moving than the Politics Board.

The worst is the Automobiles and Transportation Board where I've seen you as well. I created a thread there on Jul 5 2015, no one has responded and it's still only the 19th thread down in the list. Sad .

'Ave a nice day, (although it may be Monday where you are now, ugh).

I've lived upon the edge of chance for 20 years or more...
Del Rio's Song


At least on the History board unlike the politics board discussions don't immediately degenerate into trolling.

Monday morning. Time to jump on my new bike for a 15km run.

Opened my window to listen to the news
But all I heard was the establishment blues!


At least on the History board unlike the politics board discussions don't immediately degenerate into trolling.

Well as a sites popularity goes up trolling goes up exponentially. There are a few people on the Politics Board I can have a quite nice exchange with. I think skyhawk0 adds a lot there.

Your opinions and mine are usually in conflict, but living in the States I recognize that we see considerably different news and I know the US government, like all others, lies, so I want to believe them over you, but it's not always possible.

I think I'm one of the very few people whose views have changed on the Politics Board. When I first got there I was a hard-right conservative GOP member. Now I'm an unaligned center-right citizen that favors well implemented UHC.

Monday morning. Time to jump on my new bike for a 15km run.

Well at least you are attacking the new week. As I'm retired, Monday morning is like Sunday Morning Part II with an inferior newspaper. 

Take care.

I've lived upon the edge of chance for 20 years or more...
Del Rio's Song


I finally told somebody the other day that I have retired, so it is official for me too.

Although it doesn't feel like it. I still have my 2 sons living at home and struggling.

Opened my window to listen to the news
But all I heard was the establishment blues!
