King Tut

I'm surprised there never was a movie about that Pharaoh's life. Sure, there are those stupid "King Tut Curse" horror films, but there's never been a realistic and dramatic depiction of the boy king.

It would be interesting if Hollywood did an attempt on that. A recreation of his ancient Egyptian existence over 3000 years ago and then have modern day scenes sprinkled in when his tomb was discovered and studied by Howard Carter. That would make an excellent historical film.

That tomb was one of the greatest discoveries in archaeology. Everything was as the ancients left it when it was found over 30 centuries later. There were even shriveled up flowers still sitting in vases. Perfume could also still be smelled in the air when they first entered it.

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I've visited the Cairo Museum and they even have his diapers! It was so poignant to see things from his childhood preserved. It made him more human rather than this golden figure we think of.
I like your idea about the film and wish someone would do it.


There aren't that many movies about ancient Egypt in general. But a movie about Tutanchamon would be interesting indeed.

Intelligence and purity.


Watch the Batman Tv show from the 1960's. Victor Buono played King Tut in a few episodes. King Tut was very knowledgable. He even paraphrases Shakespeare in one episode.

"50, count 'em 50, ambassadors will definitely appear at the peace conference."


This would be a dream come true. As a child one of the first interests i ever came into was Carter's discovery of the Pharaoh's tomb.

Unfortunately for us I believe that if Hollywood were to attempt a movie about Tut's life it would turn out more like the Scorpion King/ Mummy Returns movies.


King Tut has been portrayed by several people in various productions.

I don't know if any are film biographies of Tutankhamen.


While I love movies based on Egyptian Pharaohs and Ancient Egypt in general, I'm guessing there's too small of an audience to warrant an actual movie for King Tut's life. But hey, if you want one, write one.
