Before the late 2000's/early 2010's economic recession...
...what was considered to be the worst economic recession since the Great Depression? What year/years?
share...what was considered to be the worst economic recession since the Great Depression? What year/years?
shareI am not a major history buff, but I think the 70s was a really crappy time. When Nixon took us off the gold standard, he caused a recession and started hyperinflation which took a decade to tame under Reagan. Of course voting in Carter only seemed to make things worse. Fortunately, Reagan came in and brought unemployment to an acceptable level. This turned out to be the usual presidential voting cycle where a Republican screws things us with the economy, voting in a Democrat makes it worse, then it goes back to a Republican to fix the economy.
shareThe early 80s stagflation era.
Although some consider the early 70s oil shock worse.