MovieChat Forums > Philosophy > How can people believe lifeforms "must" ...

How can people believe lifeforms "must" anything?

Did the dodo and the T-Rex "have to" anything before extinction?

"Need" is just a fiction. As is "should", "must", "value" and "importance".


You realize you don't really exist shade? Right?

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


In what sense? I am the only entity I know for a fact exists as my mind understands the concept of entity hence my mind exists even if everything else about me is some illusion.

"Need" is just a fiction. As is "should", "must", "value" and "importance".


“There was a time in my demented youth
When somehow I suspected that the truth
About survival after death was known
To every human being: I alone
Knew nothing, and a great conspiracy
Of books and people hid the truth from me.”
― Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire

I would lend you my brain and you would understand everything. The only problem is that you're not strong enough to handle the truth.

We have what we seek, it is there all the time, and if we give it time, it will make itself known.


Our minds sharing the same thoughts..


Aren't all "must"s conditional? Do or die, and if one cannot do, then "too bad".


I think therefore I am. Where oh where have I heard that before, matt?

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Not exactly. I am an entity insofar as I understand the concept of entity.

Hence I am real in terms of what we call real.

So even if I am not thinking I'd still be real.

"Need" is just a fiction. As is "should", "must", "value" and "importance".


I am the only entity I know for a fact exists as my mind understands the concept of entity hence my mind exists even if everything else about me is some illusion. How do you know what's illusion and what isn't?
