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How technology has made the film experience more immersive for audiences

I am a film studies student, I am currently creating a catalogue for my coursework and I need opinions/ideas on the subject above.
Any messages will be very appreciated and will help me towards my primary research.

the subject aims towards how technology has changed the way in which we watch films and if this is a positive or negative matter, Id like to hear your opinions.
Thank you


The immersive film-watching experience arguably reached its zenith quite early on with Cinerama. Nothing which has come since has really topped it.

Lots of info on that and other special processes here .

If your question also covers new technology like portable viewing then it is my opinion that listening to a radio show (the theatre of the mind) is infinitely more immersive than peering at a 5 inch movie screen in my hand.

Glasgow's FOREMOST authority Italics = irony. Infer the opposite please.


Check out attempts by IMAX first, but then also how Peter Jackson and James Cameron, with their ventures into not just 3D but also filming things in higher-frame-rates (i.4. 48fps for the Hobbits, and I think Avatar sequels will be 120), are paving the way for filmmakers to possibly make more immersive options. There's also those D-Box seats in theaters, created by companies to make things literally rumble as people watch an action movie.

iTunes podcast:


how technology has changed the way in which we watch films

I don't know if this is the type of feedback you are looking for BUT ... for me the available technology has somewhat diminished story telling in film. The Filmmakers are so concentrated on EFFECTS and ACTION and the BIG_BANG that they are neglecting telling actual stories that can be followed without a scorecard.. You often need to be thoroughly familiar with the comic-book-heros being portrayed or you will be scratching your head about who is who and why.

The Green Screen Technology is GREAT for getting the characters in places and situations that would have been impossible a short time ago BUT the some of the writers need to work on telling a story better.


Technology(CGI rather) has made the experience of watching movies definitively less enjoyable; it's not CGI alone admittedly, it's 3D, 4D, the squeezing of every franchise, sequels, prequels, spinoffs. But not all of that is down to technology, it's down to the fact that audiences these days are for the most part brain-dead. I heard recently that James Cameron plans to make 4 Avatar sequels! Gimme a break, you know, when he was casting for the first Michael Biehn actually knocked him back because he said after reading the script that it was just a rerun of Aliens. Right on Michael Biehn, clearly putting Art before dollars-glad someone is.


Technology(CGI rather) has made the experience of watching movies definitively less enjoyable; it's not CGI alone admittedly, it's 3D, 4D, the squeezing of every franchise, sequels, prequels, spinoffs. But not all of that is down to technology, it's down to the fact that audiences these days are for the most part brain-dead. I heard recently that James Cameron plans to make 4 Avatar sequels! Gimme a break, you know, when he was casting for the first Michael Biehn actually knocked him back because he said after reading the script that it was just a rerun of Aliens. Right on Michael Biehn, clearly putting Art before dollars-glad someone is.
