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Could you guys give me some feedback on my Lynchian student film?

Here is the URL.
Don't be too kind!


Pretty trippy, man. It's Lynchian all right. It also reminds me of the scene in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining with the ghosts of the two murdered little girls standing in the hallway: "Come and play with us, Danny. Forever...(quick cut of the girls chopped up)...and forever...(longer cut of the girls chopped up)...and forever."

I like the look, the brightly saturated colors, the variances in color shift, cutting from the seemingly innocent interchange between the boy and girl talking to what seems to be a brutal act of murder and disembowelment.

As far as sound, I like the reverb on the kids' voices. In the end outdoor scene, however, it seems like the dialogue between the escaped patient and the orderly (I presume?) would be easier to hear and understand if you mono-ed just that track out to both channels so the dialogue is in two-channel mono in the center. I use Premiere to edit, and in Premiere, this would be accomplished by right-clicking the audio clip of just the particular dialogue track and then selecting "duplicate right".

The music score and sound-FX had nice stings that perfectly accompanied the shocking visuals.

As far as the plot, I'm trying to get it. Is the guy who escapes from the mental institution the same person as the little boy we see in the beginning? If so, is the cat the conduit of his psyche to the past, or like a gatekeeper who guides his younger self into his present self?


Thanks for the thought out answer!
The little boy was the mental patient imagining himself as a child again. In this subconscious world, the cat acts a white-rabbit and takes him through the rooms of his mind that eventually lead up to him realizing that he is an adult. He then starts to remember that the reason he was in the asylum in the first place was because of the guilt of accidentally shooting a little girl while pursuing a suspect on Halloween. Did that come through to a reasonable degree?


You're welcome! Ah, now I understand. The man/boy conundrum came across pretty clearly, but I didn't get that the man was a cop who accidentally shot a little girl while pursuing a suspect on Halloween. Perhaps the cuts of the incident could be a little longer and we could see the man as a cop level his gun and say "Freeze!", followed by the little girl standing in the way of the suspect running away, her eyes suddenly transfixed in terror as she realizes her iminent demise.


The uniform was probably hard to make out too. Near the end it shows him shooting her and her brother runs up to her body.


This is a good film, especially visually. Probably it would be even better without any attempts to create plot. Plot assumes some logic, some cause and effect, some consequences, and here in fact we expect a kind of logic maybe within one scene only but not beyond. If single scene is complete visually and emotionally that is OK. Would this film be acceptable without plot? Yes, because our dreams are. Score: 3/5.
