Terminator 2 vs. Terminator 3
I was watching the T3 dvd a few days ago, right after Terminator 2. I realized that every second shot in T3 had some kind of effect done to it.
Whether it was background replacement, digital stunt doubles, CGI terminators, or whatever.
It got me to thinking how much better the effects in Terminator 2 were, simply because each effect that was done, was done for a specific purpose, and strived to be painstakingly photo realistic. There was a level on unreality in T3 that no amount of bloom or lens flare could replace.
Look at say, this: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm1685690624/tt0181852
vs. this: http://dc-mrg.english.ucsb.edu/WarnerTeach/E192/Images/Terminator2.mor ph.gif
Miles of difference, and not in a good way.
"I'm Jules Winnfield, I'm here to talk to you about the briefcase initiative"