The effects themselves are very impressive when you consider what was done. Kong is impressive in the sense that an organic creature covered in long fur is a very hard thing to create digitally. And he did look pretty damn real in a number of shots.
But the overall look of the film was quite fake when you look back on it. The effects are a bit inconsistent in realism.
Obviously, Jackson and co. were going for a surreal look to be somewhat of a throwback to the original in terms of visual quality, only done with today's technology. So you could argue that it's exactly as it should be.
But today's audiences crave for realism and believability to be coming out the wazoo, so of course it's gonna be panned for looking fake.
There are a few shots of Kong where it looks fully like a real huge gorilla. I wish the entire movie could have been like that, because then it would have been amazing.
That's the reason some people think they're great and some people think they're terrible. Because there are great and terrible effects in the movie. The YAY people will focus on the good shots and the NAY people will focus on the bad shots.
I'm in the middle.