MovieChat Forums > Networks > what about an HBO Retro?

what about an HBO Retro?

HBO is overall a waste to me but I keep it for Bill Maher and Larry David.

I'm 35 now and was thinking about the excitement and "honor" of HBO in the early and mid 80s. As a kid having cable with a pay channel was the coolest. I remember each night I'd tune in at 8pm to see what they'd show. And it seems for too many of those nights it was ALWAYS the movie Iceman from 1984! LOL.. I'd end up then watching something on network like The Cosby Show.

These days I have the DVR deal where I get like 8 channels of HBO. They all play the same movies over and over. Enough with Avatar!

This all got me thinking. Why not an HBO Retro channel that plays all the late 70s and 80s movies like Iceman? They could also play the old sitcoms like Dream On and 1st and 10 (with OJ Simpsons).

Some of those old movies probably aren't even on DVD for lack of demand. Seeing the old stuff again flipping through the channels might be worth a look to some of us of a certain age.


Just One of the Guys
The Karate Kid

Those were probably the MOST played movies I can remember from back in the day on HBO. I loved Dream On and 1st and Ten, I was FURIOUS when I bought the series box set and a majority of the episodes were from when it was edited to hell in syndication.

"You win some, you lose some. But you live, you live to fight another day."


Encore covers that pretty well, and IIRC, Encore and HBO are part of a package from my cable company. I used to get a channel called RETRO that would play movies from the 70s or so, which are not on DVD (not anymore, back to basic for me).
