MovieChat Forums > Lists and Recommendations > Exotic adventure / pirate / sailing movi...

Exotic adventure / pirate / sailing movies that take place in Southeast Asia

Hi there, I'm basically looking for what the title says: (preferably old) movies with action / sailing / pirates that take place in colonial Southeast Asia. One that comes to mind is "Lord Jim" (1965) with Peter O'Toole, which takes place in Indonesia and includes lots of action, gunfighting, sailors and the beautiful locations of Angkor Thom (it is actually filmed in Cambodia). Can you think of any others?


Platoon - Charlie Sheen as young Jim Hawkins to Willem Defoe's Long John Silver


Hello josephconrad,
I suggest this one: "Shogun" (1980) although it might not fit completely into the category of movies which you like - the story was set in the 16th century when great parts of Asia were already under colonial rule; Japan never was occupied by any European force (with the one exception of the years 1945 to, I think, 1951) BUT they had some limited trade with European merchants, for a time...
I watched it as a kid when it was aired in Germany in the early 1980s, and I was fascinated... (Only one detail I really didn't like: -SPOILER!- The main character's sojourn in Japan was NOT on a voluntary basis, wasn't it? Well, he arranged himself with circumstances as good as he could; but until the last part of the miniseries I hoped in the end there would be a melodramatic farewell scene and the Japanese would finally allow him to return home; or he might sail away by night, without official permit; or he would perish when trying to escape - but he had obviously given up all hope and just stayed where he was. I felt really sad about that...)
Kind regards
Andreas (123all4me)
