MovieChat Forums > Soaps and Serials > anyone like dirty sexy money?

anyone like dirty sexy money?

Just started watching the series on DVD and it's surprisingly good. There is a priest with a love child he had that he is trying to keep a secret. I also like that it has comedy in it as well. I wish I started watching it sooner than I did. Donald Sutherland is great on the show.

The World Will Look Up And Shout "Save Us!" And I'll Whisper...Why So Serious?!


DIRTY SEXY MONEY was a fantastic show and Donald Sutherland should have receieved an Emmy nomination for his bone-chilling work on the show. Also loved Seth Gabel as Jeremy, Glenn Fitzgerald as Brian, and Zoe McClellan as Lisa.


I thought the show was very fresh and interesting, as well as funny.

let the world change you, and you can change the world


It was a terrific show. Lord knows why it was cancelled, perhaps because of the writers' strike which also killed Pushing Daisies and Moonlight. Damn those selfish writers!


I think the writers' strike had a lot to do with the cancellation of the show, but I also think money was probably a big part of the bottom line. I mean, look at that show, it probably cost a couple of million per episode to produce and ABC probably wasn't getting the ratings to justify the expense. Of course, like most new shows these days, the show really wasn't given the chance to find an audience.
