Some Of The Worst Stories Around!
I was watching Fantastic Journey on Youtube with Jared Martin and I remembered his appearance on One Life To Live as apparently Dr. Donald Lamarr.
For the year he was on the show, it seems he began dating some daft woman who had a beautiful young blonde daughter. She was a very pretty young girl.
So he becomes the bad doctor and he was attacking mom in the bedroom. The daughter enters and is holding a gun for him to leave her mother alone. She fired the gun and the plot was, he, lying on the bed, threw her mother in front of the bullet!
So then we get this actress as Mom, not an altogether attractive woman, on her knees on the bed, her back arched as tho she has just been shot by her own daughter, she had no shirt on, only the bra, unbelievably unpleasant pose, situation, look, EVYERYTHING!!!
I have no idea how it all turned out, really didn't care, the doctor kept insisting the girl shot her mother, she kept insisting she was aiming at him and he pushed her mother in front of the gun???
I'm sure Jared was removed from the show in no time after this, but it was the little girl I kept thinking about.
You produce a show, you have a lovely little girl like this, the audience is supposed to like her and she SHOOTS HER MOM??
What sort of logic is going to allow her any kind of appeal after that? "Oh, she shot her mother, but she was aiming at the guy who was attacking her mother."
Needless to say, she wasn't on there long either.
It reminded me of little Jon Ryan, the grandson on Ryan's Hope, all grown up, now with a kid of his own. A single father.
The mother of the child eventually showed up, a rather plain, curly blonde girl.
But she was molested by her father and she killed him self defense. All played out on the show.
Again, this is supposed to be appealing to the viewer? It's just going to be swept under the rug and we're going to be happy to see this girl in later episodes?
Ryan's Hope was the one that really made me think, when a girl was dying that Patrick Ryan (Malcolm Groome) was in love with, and a writer or producer of the show said, when it became a ratings disaster, "viewers don't want to see someone they care about go thru such misery."
I thought, nobody cared about that girl. We hadn't been watching her any grand length of time like we had the rest of the people on the show.
I remember both Ryan's Hope actresses I mentioned here ended up later on in commercials, so I always remembered them after that.
Patrick Ryan's beloved in a spaghetti sauce commercial. I guess she got better.