batman canon

is under the red hood? hush? and where should i start reading? night of owls? also i'm confused about "Batman: Zero Year" on wikipedia it says ''The story is intended to redefine Batman's origin in The New 52'' what doe that mean? is it in the same canon? or they changing batman again and this is the canon? thanks

a fake reputation is all a man has.or will ever have in his life time


I don't keep up anymore, and this is one reason why. It's found throughout the industry.

As I see it, there is public canon, and personal canon.

Public canon is what the publisher currently defines in it's ongoing product. This changes with the wind, it seems, or at least every few years as readership changes. The publishers do what they think needs doing to keep old readers and lure new readers. It's a running mishmash of old and new themes and memes, as each new "reboot" tries to reincorporate what was popular before this new interpretation. Whatever is canon today will not be canon in five years.

Personal canon is just that, dependent on the individual fan regardless of what DC, Marvel, or the larger fan base says. For me, for example, nothing in the last twenty years is canon, much less relevant, to my vision of Batman (or Superman, Spiderman, etc.) Jason Todd (the second Robin) died and stayed dead, assuming I even accept that there ever was a Jason Todd as Robin. Which I usual don't. Cloned Peter Parker? Doc Ock as Spiderman? Wolverine with bone claws? Pfft!

Take your pick, it really doesn't matter.

(This is posted for entertainment. Don't get upset.)


This link should hopefully help you regarding the canon and where to start : -Comics-for-New-Readers-Current-Titles-Top-Trades-and-Recent-Events

"My Parents...They Taught Me The World Only Makes Sense When You Force It To."


There is a really easy way to do this.

Start at Crisis on Infinite Earths. The just work your way forward. Remember to include the other crises and major cross-over events.

To make it easier, speed up the process and help you not miss some of the stuff that's worth paying attention to; base your list on available trades. A batman list is easy to do, my wife is running through it right now. This will also help you get into many other characters and will likely help you find new characters that you will like (But I do think the lanterns are a better place to start if you're just getting into DC).
