MovieChat Forums > Superheroes and Villains > Why the Majority of Superhero Movies Suc...

Why the Majority of Superhero Movies Suck

The majority of superhero movies suck because of their overdependence on needless and forced romantic subplots.

The best and most successful superhero movies have little or no romance. They might have a "love interest," but their plots pretty much preclude romance.

These include the X-Men movies, the Christopher Nolan Batman/Dark Knight movies, Man of Steel, the Iron Man movies, and The Avengers.

An exception would be the Spider-Man movies, which have been huge blockbusters in spite of the heavy-handed Peter Parker-Mary Jane romances.

The rest had the potential to be great, but their inherent romantic subplots dragged them down to mediocrity and worse.

An exception in this case would be the 1978 Superman movie, which is still both an excellent superhero movie and an excellent movie period in spite of the Clark Kent-Lois Lane romance. But it could have been even more excellent without that.

I would have included the first Thor as part of the first group of films above, because it was still impressive despite its romance, which was not forced and did not take up a considerable portion of the movie. But it didn't even crack $200 million domestically.



I agree, the ONLY reason that Spiderman worked so well despite having the love interest, is because the love interest is a main plot point of the comics/original series/etc.

I had a lot of respect for Iron man films/avengers. I loved that they gave pepper a character, but didn't make the love connection more than it needed.

however, looking at some films, like Fantastic four, that didn't have much love interest in the film, but it was still bad. really bad.
and green lantern was easily one of the worst adaptions.

in my opinion, atleast, is that superhero movies are a hard genre to tackle not only should the writers/directors/actors/crew etc, all have a decent to very well understood idea of the comic universes, but there are A. so many different universes to look at, and most the time, they end up mixing them together, which doesn't help continuity between the two mediums. and B. you not only have movie-fans, critics, or action seeking audience, (and kids, because lets face it, kids are a main target for this genre), but you also have comic nerds (I'm in this group when it comes to some, IE. X-Men).

so when writing the SP. they should be caring better about the original sources, to appeal to those who understand it. (lets face it, more fans know more about the source material than the writers do), while still making it appropriate for film.

I didn't like the avengers, I'm not saying it was bad, it just wasn't my cup of tea, but it appealed to fans of the comics, because from what I hear it didn't stray too far from the comics (minus the lack of key avenger's but that was a rights thing and not a choice thing.. well.. antman and wasp..buuut)
but it also had action to appeal to the general audience.

X-Men is my favorite world of superheros' and I thoroughly enjoyed the first two films, X-Men and X-2. from then on, they are almost getting worse and worse. I don't HATE FC. I just saw a lot wrong with it. It is better than origins imo. my reason for disliking THESE films, is based strictly on the idea that they do not follow the comics. key things are exchanged to "make a movie", when these things could have been added and still had a movie. though that is an argument for another time/board.

With Thor, I didn't hate that. again, not a fan of the avengers as a whole. I only liked Iron Man, because the story telling had the same feel that X-Men gave me.. (i can't explain the feel, but it was between action and adventure, I guess I'm not a fan of ACTION films, I like character driven plot more).


Not being a fan of the X-Men, although having read some of the comics, the first film is one of the best superhero movies ever, right up there with Superman, the Dark Knight trilogy, the Iron Man movies, Man of Steel, and Thor.

Bryan Singer I think created the perfect template for a superhero team movie jam-packed with superheroes and super villains without being tedious and convoluted, and all under two hours (although I like longer running times for more action set pieces).



I would say most movies in general suck. Most horror and action movies are uninspired works by hacks, superheroes movies are kind of the same. Sam Raimi was a big comic book fan so he had respect for the work. Most filmmakers are basically like pornographers, just making tripe for the lowest common denominator.

I don't think a love angle is bad if it is done well. I love Shaun of the Dead, and is one of the few horror/action movies that has a well done love story angle. The characters and the breakup felt real, and it was the driving force for Shaun, so it wasn't shoe horned in.


Is it coincidental that your favorite films are the ones that exist in line with this 'rule'?


You bring up a good point.

I'll look into it.

