MovieChat Forums > Blu-ray Disc Releases > Why there is no Blurays of old music vid...

Why there is no Blurays of old music videos-M.Jackson,Madonna,K.Minogue?

Why is that? Most famous musician in the world and no blu-ray HD releases of old 70's, 80s,90s music videos??? i know they shoot their videos like movies (on biggest cameras with film tape, so resolution would be HD or 4k.
So why is there no blu-rays of this ?


I was wondering about that myself for several years,I guess they're not willing to take the plunge,it won't sell as much as the movies.


That sort of thing just doesn't sell. Most people tend to view music videos as promotional material, rather than being anything collectible like live concerts or music documentaries.


But how about millions of dvds of music videos? dvds sells well and blu ray is not? as i remember dvd music video collections sells very well and everybody has it at home in collections (if you love music)


I agree. Michael Jackson's Thriller video was a mini-movie, directed by An American Werewolf in London's John Landis. Madonna's, George Michael's and a lot of other videos from the '80s and '90s were shot on film and would look great in HD. But it costs money to go back to the film elements and do re-transfers, so I guess the perception is that money spent wouldn't justify money earned from releasing a compilation.

Plus, so many record companies released these songs, so who the hell would own the rights and make the money from a compilation?


That's the other problem, the rights to these things can be notoriously difficult. The Guns N'Roses "Welcome to the Videos" DVD is missing a few of their clips due to rights issues. As for the Michael Jackson ones, the only existing masters are probably SD television-quality transfers. The original negatives are probably scattered all over the place if they even exist at all. But who knows, they might end up being restored. The full "Bad" video is another extremely long one that would surely be worth an HD upgrade.


Another same question -why everything was fine with copyright of dvd music videos collections which still in stores? blu rays needs some other copyrights?


No but it's just not economical to make an entirely new HD master (most music DVDs were mastered from SD, TV-quality sources) for such a low-selling product. Companies will only ever release anything if they think they'll make money, and for most MV collections a Blu-ray release just wouldn't be profitable enough.


The desire to hear a song or watch a video is more fleeting to me. I can go to YouTube and watch the video, in a playlist with other videos. I have some DVDs of videos and live performances by particular artists but they just sit on the shelf, as I can watch their content streaming online.
