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ABC Game - Television Shows you don't like or haven't seen - COMPLETE

Archer (although i may give it another try)


Two and a Half Men (more like two and barf men!)


oh, I won't yell at you, but this was supposed to be starting with a B. dewey already did it anyways. haha. I had to say something about it with the way you two were teasing me about being strict with the rules.
I think this could be a hard one.. we will see.


I completely missed the ABC bit in the title there haha. I hate this show so much, it clouded my mind!


Did you hate it more or less when Charlie left? i almost felt like they had a contract with the studios and couldn't get cancelled for the last couple of seasons so just "jumped the shark" every freaking episode or put crap on the show on purpose. As much as it was annoying when Charlie was on it, it was twice as bad when he left and i only watched a couple episodes. So I agree and hate it too. There are no likeable characters. Even when the half man was little he wasn't cute or likeable. Just annoying.


I've never seen an episode out of my own volition. I think I've seen about 5 minutes of it after Sheen left. The thing I hate the most about it is the way women are portrayed in it. Either as brainless bimboes or shrewd bitches. Except the fat one, she was allowed to have a personality. But fat, older females aren't really proper women, so...

Makes me mad thinking about it lol


Totally agree. Written in a very misogynistic way, where all the girls are bitches or sluts!


Since Mina has forgotten the alphabet (again)
I'll follow the proper protocol.

Big Bang Theory


Did you hate it from the start? I liked it the first three seasons or so. I dunno, maybe it got too popular and that annoyed me, not sure.


I've never seen a complete episode. I watched 5 minutes once and I was done.


You're assuming I know the alphabet to begin with.

But BBT, though I watched it for a while, is an insult on anyone with two functioning brain cells. It's good for a hate-watch though.


I have never seen one minute of that show.
I'm glad for the confirmation on my decision.

Oh that's right, now you'll play the Bulgarian card.
How could any of us forget where you're from?
I've told you before you know my language better than I do.


Be very glad you didn't waste _any_ time on that show. The thing I said about women on 2/5 Men above can be applied here somewhat as well. The female characters are written horibly on TBBT. I'm not surprised though, since both have Chuck Lorre at the helm (the man has a knack for making inexplicably popular trash). The male characters don't fare much better either. The whole thing is just very mean-spirited. AND NOT FUNNY!

damn...this english.


I get that but how do you really feel?




Seriously? Big Bang ?



DO NOT whatevs me Miss thing.
I've seen a few commercial clips.
It did nothing for me.
I always wondered what kind of people watch this show.
I now know.


Cops (oh dear god how I hate this show)


Why do you hate it? Have you been on it?

Dancing With the Stars


hahaha.. not that I know of.
It just always irritated me. And why is it entertainment when someone is arrested? Especially if they are an addict, homeless person or just a redneck. I just don't get it. And its been on forever. Guess people just love to watch trainwrecks. I'm sure you knew all this but it was great to get to rant for a minute. haha.


People love to see other people go through this. It makes them feel better about their life.

I watched the first season many years ago. That was enough for me.
BTW it was an excellent rant.


I could have also put the Cleveland Show here, as I noticed Family Guy below me. That show was beyond gross and offensive. No wonder it got cancelled.

And I haven't watched Cops in years either,but it still irritates me.


What got cancelled? Family Guy ?
That's still going strong after 16 seasons.


No the Cleveland Show. It was just this one episode where he was jamming his arm up inside the Thanksgiving turkey and they were implying stuff.. I dunno. Turned me off. I don't mind Family Guy and yes it is still going strong. That will likely run forever.


Entertainment Tonight


Family Guy.

Have not seen, am not interested.


Haven't seen Family in years but it's really funny.



House of Cards.


Ice Road Truckers


The Jersey Shore..
have never really watched it, but the clips I have seen I know I don't want to.
