Thriller's similar to 'The perfect host' but also just movies that....
I watched The perfect host yesterday and loved it, even now i'm still analyzing things and wondering what really went down. Some things are still unclear to me, this is something that i can love about movies but at the same time i also kinda dislike it. Because i never really get to find out what is really the case.
I'm looking for similar movies to The perfect host, in terms of how it keeps you guessing. Movies that have similar twists, but not that they get ridiculous or hard to believe anymore. They can be similar in subject matter and such, you know...what the particular movie is about. But especially movies that keep you thinking about it, and trying to figure it out. Where i have to go to the IMDB board and see what people are saying.
I don't mind if it's from the 80s,90's and above.
Thanks :)