MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > Why no interracial/cultural/ ethnic dati...

Why no interracial/cultural/ ethnic dating on the Bachelor, Bachelorette

I think America's tired of white guys dating white girls and vice versa. Feedback?

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People claim we've progressed as a nation. I say no way in heck.

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I think only one has so far. Its because people are so superficial. Only judging a book by its cover, obviously.

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Well, when I get my production company up and running, there will be no limitations. no bias, no stereotypes, none of that junk. How ridiculous this pathetic place is with its segregation and taboos. I'll be damned to cater to racists. Give me a break. And mind you, this is supposed to be a Christian country. Yeah right. I'll have to check out this Ellery Queen business. lol

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I'll have to look up Ellery Queen on I must admit I have no memory of the show. Now, I'm totally curious. lol

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