MovieChat Forums > Reality TV > Worst. Reality Shows!!!!

Worst. Reality Shows!!!!

Here comes Honney Boo-Boo
The Bad Girls Club
Toddlers & Tiaries
ANTM-I used to love this show until they' got rid of the 2 Jays and Nigel.

"Is it written somewhere? You should do what you want".


That Honey Boo-boo crap, hands down. That mother of hers makes me want to vomit!

...Electric Aunt Jemima, goddess of love...


All of them are horrible.But I'll list a few that I think are the absolute worst.

"Undercover Boss"
"Toddlers & Tiaras"
"Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo"
"Sister Wives"
"World's Worst Tenants"
"Wife Swap"
"Big Brother"

Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental


I can't stand either one.

I will admit I took a look at Tia & Tamera reality show it was decent but I would rather see them in a movie or on a TV sitcom I don't want to view their lives like that it gets dull to me. Then The Braxtons is a ok but I'm not fascinated with celebrity lives like that to much personal business I don't want to know. I would rather just know them as singers/actress.


Made In Chelsea
The X Factor
Big Brother


All of them fcking suck!! They all follow the same dumb formula now too.

The worst have got to be those crappy History/discovery channel redneck ones...I mean god how can anyone stand those? Pawn Stars, American Pickers, Swamp people/loggers, Ax Men, ice Road Truckers...yuck and don't forget Deadliest Catch! Was anyone else actually happy when that guy died in the fishing accident? I personally was, I know it sounds horrible, but that's what you get for turning your job into a television show...someone's going to get hurt stupid.

Then of course you have the ones that try to be "quality" but they're also really just sht. Hoarders, Intervention, Myth Busters, the stupid ghost ones all of them are crap.

The Science channel ones are the most offensive! Their new slogan is "question everything!" You know what that means....fcking conspiracy shows are coming...god will this dumb fad ever die? Like the UFO Nazi conspiracy documentaries they used to play on the history channel 5-8 years ago weren't enough...

The Dancing with the Stars, America's Got Talent, American Idol talent shows were stupid and annoying, but at least they had some type of a purpose. It was a contest, it had a beginning and an ending. You picked your team and that was the mindless entertainment you tuned in for. Many of them also featured washed out actors/singers so you could take pleasure in watching hacks who will do anything for money.

These new shows....they don't even have a point...They're not entertaining, they have annoying stupid characters that you hope will die, There is no story the show can never end! Fake tension....god this has got to be the most annoying element. There's always some douche who is supposed to be "the angry character" or the "guy with the temper" who's been roided up. His point is to just scream at everyone including the audience watching the show.


It shouldn't really need to be a reply but oh well, what the he ll!
"GOOD" and "REALITY" should never be combined to describe any show.

It's a fine way to dumb down our society on a constant basis. Most of
the time we all find ourselves watching this crap because it's the only
thing on.

The thing I've found more disturbing than anything else (and I find MANY
things very unsettling about the so called "reality" programs) is that growing up in the 1980's & '90's is the channels I used to respect are now filled with real life drama shows about the common people. People that I would be ashamed of knowing if I did happen to have them in my personal life. They're more like the folks I would see on COPS, or those police chase shows.

Anyone remember when A&E had shows about the ARTS and did not show DOG the Bounty Hunter (I know it's moved to another station, but it was there for many years..)? I recall them showing HAIR, and Death of A Salesmen as a part of their standard programming. Bravo was another one that focused on the arts. AMC never would have had a drama on making meth, if I may stray from the main topic for one small moment. Animal Planet is a personal pet peeve (no pun intended, but I did chuckle when I re-read this line). I saw my favorite station go into a downward spiral from educational programming to cringe worthy shows on things that would not be educational to the average 7 year old.

I could go on all day, but you get the idea.. As far as I'm concerned, the a la cart cable option where you can weed out the utterly useless stations full of punched up "reality shows" could not come soon enough!


It shouldn't really need to be a reply but oh well, what the he ll!
"GOOD" and "REALITY" should never be combined to describe any show.

It's a fine way to dumb down our society on a constant basis. Most of
the time we all find ourselves watching this crap because it's the only
thing on.

The thing I've found more disturbing than anything else (and I find MANY
things very unsettling about the so called "reality" programs) is that growing up in the 1980's & '90's is the channels I used to respect are now filled with real life drama shows about the common people. People that I would be ashamed of knowing if I did happen to have them in my personal life. They're more like the folks I would see on COPS, or those police chase shows.

Anyone remember when A&E had shows about the ARTS and did not show DOG the Bounty Hunter (I know it's moved to another station, but it was there for many years..)? I recall them showing HAIR, and Death of A Salesmen as a part of their standard programming. Bravo was another one that focused on the arts. AMC never would have had a drama on making meth, if I may stray from the main topic for one small moment. Animal Planet is a personal pet peeve (no pun intended, but I did chuckle when I re-read this line). I saw my favorite station go into a downward spiral from educational programming to cringe worthy shows on things that would not be educational to the average 7 year old.

I could go on all day, but you get the idea.. As far as I'm concerned, the a la cart cable option where you can weed out the utterly useless stations full of punched up "reality shows" could not come soon enough!

Oh Bravo! (another channel that's been ruined by reality shows btw) What's sad is that when I express this idea to people around me I always get the "well you can always change the channel" ....are these people stupid? It's the same thing on every channel! Reality shows are everywhere! Any fictional program is some ultra realistic cop/medical/lawyer drama.

Even on the extended digital channels you'll mostly see older syndicated reruns of retro shows or movies. I haven't seen a new and refreshing fictional show in almost 10 years.


Sadly Felix, the "Just change the channel" mantra comes from people who have already been dumbed down by being inundated daily for years by the drivel that passes for standard programming. Don't listen to them (or placate them.. they are sheeple or human lemmings. Blindly following those that herd them RIGHT OFF THE CLIFF), don't let them force you to join the new world society of idiocracy.
It can only drive you insane ..among other things stress related.

On a personal note, I went into a culture shock after not watching television for about 5 years. I just started again a year or two back. Admittedly, I streamed HIMYM/early Breaking Bad on line, and a few movies (etc,etc..) however I had NO CLUE what had gone so wrong until recently. The last I saw before boycotting television entirely, was seeing Animal Planet's Meercat Manor, now it's one of their better programs. It actually focuses on animals! I find better programs on PBS and NAT GEO wild. Thank God for Nature and NOVA!

Worst of all, our news stations are going the way of reality tv punch up. I Look to BBC news for accuracy first, because they seem to rely less on twitter and hearsay to jump the gun than American cable news networks. I miss the old CNN, and can't rely them for any breaking news. I would trust Jon Stewart more!

"If you get mad at critics, you almost always can be sure they are right." -Stephen King
