MovieChat Forums > Commercials/Advertising > Maybe I'm weird, but

Maybe I'm weird, but

I really get a giggle from watching the new Hasibo Gummy Bear commercial. If a commercial can get me to react with a snicker, repeatedly, it's a winner. I also like the car commercial (what brand?) of the woman saying "Blah Blah BlahBllah Blh Blah Blah".


I agree. The kids voices coming out of adults is too funny.


I agree also, though I don't recall voices out of adults..don';t I do kind of recall them..Haribo, and not Hasibo.


Thank you so much for the correction. Haribo Haribo Haribo.There, now it's ingrained.


It's here.

Gummy Commercial

Seen it before, the kids voices come out right at the start before even eating the Gummi Bears..too funny!!
