Justin's Grandfather
keeps picking on him
--which diminishes
from Grandfatherly wisdom
because Justin works
harder than Granddad
and gets cut down to size
in a bog full of cranberries
and up to his thighs
in wading boots
What kind of dysfunctional family
does stuff like that
to a Television Commercial star
--and one who
actually listens
to cranky old snarly Granddad
--and makes a career of that
when he could draw in crowds
on stage
and without the wading boots
Ocean Spray really did blow that one
by taking off the obedient Justin
and forcing that squeaky blonde
onto armchairs everywhere
what kind of bad business is that
When you do all of that hard work
for the cranky crabby snarly Granddad
on the capitalist side of the family
and then get punished
all the way around
just because
they have to hire an annoying blonde
to replace real Americans everywhere
just like Applebees
Didn't used to pass up
on Ocean Spray cranberry stuff
but now
the tables have been turned
in honor of poor Justin
who never does anybodies any harm
but gets punished for it
all the way around
--by those Ocean Spray trolls
And besides
where on earth
is any ocean
near those cranberry bogs
because cranberries
and any other kind of berries
cannot grow in an ocean
Even Justin knows that much
but not that cranky Granddad
and certainly not that annoying blonde
--Just goes to show
No justice in Ocean Spraybog
[harp] 🎻 [saint] [candle] [piano]
♪  Not even Mad Scientists
get it right every time