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ambulance chasing has reached a new low

If you have taken a cancer drug and experienced hair loss, then you may have a claim for financial compensation.

Seriously, they are taking this head on now. Does this mean that opioid patients will soon sue over constipation? I am not surprised that pharmaceutical commercials are devoted mostly to bizarre and benign side effects. There is a professional sector built to exploit every tiny failure they have. Martin Shkreli is certainly a despicable man, but these leeches are far worse. They cost every other customer just a little bit extra for all drugs produced by a corporation. If there were ever a substantial reason to push for loser pays, this would be it.


Not looking to defend any of those leeches, but for most chemotherapy patients the hair loss is temporary and grows back. The ad you refer to is for people who would normally have regrown their hair, but were given a particular drug that has a high rate of hair not regrowing.

There are definitely worse drug commercials out there. Heck, the commercials put out by the drug companies are generally worse. First off, they're encouraging people to pressure their doctors into prescribing something the doctor doesn't believe they need, then they give all the side effects and disclaimers. I forgot the name of the drug, but I recall there was one ad where they spent so long on the warnings and disclaimers that they forgot to mention what the intended use of the drug was.


I have to agree. I am female, and have been experiencing hair loss since I was in my mid to late 20's, that at the time, me, my parents and my doctor thought could have been caused by the High Blood Pressure medicine I began to take, when I was first diagnosed with the condition.

When I brought it my doctor's attention, he changed my medicine and the hair loss did seem to stop, but it never got any better.

I never even thought about suing the company because of the hair loss, because it was one of the side effects, one of the many side effects listed for that medicine.

Now that I'm about to turn 56, the hair loss is worse, but do I blame the medicine? Hell no! Do I plan on suing them because of it? No. Me taking that medicine was I think sort of the catalyst that began it, but my health is and should be more important than vanity, as I hope it is with anyone else.

And I would think anyone who goes through Chemo to get rid of cancer that could save their life, have more important things to think about, than a little thing like hair loss! Vanity over life? I will choose life every time. As I hope anyone else would.

And in today's age, most wigs look natural and can cover up the fact you have any hair loss. I have one myself I were on most occasions, and most people don't know I am wearing it, unless I tell them.

If I had chosen to sue the medicine all those years ago because of my hair loss, I would have felt like a real heel, when at the age of 45, a doctor diagnosed me with a condition, something I had never heard of, called Poly-cystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS for short. It is a condition that hits young girls when they reach puberty.

Apparently when a young girl starts their cycle, instead of the egg being washed out during the cycle like it is suppose to, it goes back into the ovaries, and causes cysts to develop over the years in the ovaries. The cysts can cause, which is what has happened to me, excessive male hormones, which in turn causes excessive hair in places it shouldn't be, and excessive hair loss in places we females would like to have hair, our head. I do have hair but is so thin on top, you can see straight through to my scalp.
