MovieChat Forums > Commercials/Advertising > Christmas Commercials that air Every Yea...

Christmas Commercials that air Every Year

Some I can think of

That Hershey's Kisses Bells Commercial
That Campbell's commercial where the snowman melts to reveal a boy
That commercial with the sleeping babies while a woman sings "Silent Night"

There used to be a Folger's commercial where a guy named Peter returns home but I don't know if that commercial still airs or not.


Does Santa still ride that Norelco electric shaver over the snowdrifts ("Noelco: Even our name says 'Merry Christmas'")?

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



I don't think they still show that one.


M&Ms / Santa (HE/THEY DO EXIST!)

**~Not my circus, not my monkeys...~**


I'm surprised the Hershey one still plays, it's about 20 years old now and I'm sure the ONLY commercial that old that's still airing.

Not still but a couple years ago I was surprised to see they likewise replayed the 'N-E-S-T-L-E-S, Nestles make the very best' with the singing dogs, "choooocolate, *chomp*", that's also 20+ years old.


The Elizabeth Taylor White Diamonds commercial first aired in 1991 and they still show it...and she is dead!


Glad you mentioned that, because every time I see that commercial I think, I thought she was dead?, guess not!" and then forget to look it up.



I'm surprised the Hershey one still plays, it's about 20 years old now and I'm sure the ONLY commercial that old that's still airing.

That one does not air again. The one you watch now is a subtle remake.


There's a commercial for Riviera Upholstery that dates back to the 80's. It may be local, but you'd think if they're still around they could afford to produce something for this century. I wouldn't be surprised if the woman in the commercial has passed on like Elizabeth Taylor.
