You're missing my point. Yes space does expand in all directions but time is believed to only go in one direction - forward. And theoretically backward. So if you think about it like time is an arrow moving up a piece of paper, what if it suddenly branched off with a new arrow going sideways across the paper. So to anyone on either arrow time is still moving forward but from each of their arrows the other arrow exists only in the past. So what if something like that happened in the big bang where time shot out in all directions just like 3 dimensional space. It would mean that each of these parallel timelines exist independently of each other and from each timeline the other timelines do not exist because they only converge in the past at the moment of big bang. So who's to say that the Big Bang was not a result of branching off of some other timeline which is now in our past because from our perspective the totality of it only existed at the moment of the big bang, although to someone in that timeline an infinity could pass and our entire universe is just a blip in their past that no one even noticed. It really makes you think about dimensions and stuff when you really stop and think about it.