MovieChat Forums > Science > There is literally zero evidence that th...

There is literally zero evidence that the Earth is round.

We have been mind controlled into thinking that the Earth is round and that gravity is real. Go read The Bible so you get some enlightenment in life.


Photos from orbit.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


Exactly! It's a giant hoax perpetrated by the globe manufacturing industry.


Well then get a picture of the edge of the Earth where it drops off into space. Start showing us proof that the Earth is flat, or shut up.


Exactly! It's actually hexagonal and slightly bent out of shape.


Enough believing this stupid hoax stuff, people. For the last time there is no Earth!


The following observations are all consistent with the earth being "round" (a topological sphere).
- Ships disappearing as they reach the horizon.
- The fact that the horizon retreats as your altitude increases.
- The rising and setting of the sun.
- Hundreds of artificial satellites used for telecommunications and other purposes.
- Photos of the earh from space.

How do you explain these facts? What model does the bible suggest? How do you reconcile the biblical model with the "round" model?

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*


Well, how could there be, when we all know it's much better approximated as a slightly oblate spheroid or ellipsoid?


Or better still, the reference geoid, which is now available as a spherical harmonic expansion to lord knows how many hundreds of terms

"If you ain't a marine then you ain't *beep*
