Sometimes your dreams come from the future, and if you write them down you will be able to prove you dreamed the future.
I'd really like to see the evidence for such an extraordinary claim. FWIW I've read a fair bit on psi research (including clairvoyance and precognition) and so far none of it has been at all impressive. Either the experiments are heavily flawed (with controls lacking, or protocols either very lax or not adhered to), or the results they come up with are either negative or completely underwhelming (i.e.: a tiny effect size), or cannot be reproduced by independent teams (not to mention cases of outright fraud). For an example of the types of problems that occur in psi research, look up James Randi's "Project Alpha", or read, for example, some of the skepdic pages on psi research, e.g.:
Some people can read minds now, to one degree or another; or they can sense things about others without actually reading the thoughts. It may be developable with hard mental practice.
Again, this is just asserted without evidence, and in the face of several decades of experiments finding no convincing evidence for any such skills. See, for example, "The Men Who Stare At Goats" (the book by Jon Ronson, not the movie) for an entertaining dig into the history and current state of some of that research conducted by, among others, the U.S. military.
Teleportation? Quantum physics posits we're already everywhere and everywhen, so it's just a matter of where your consciousness is operating.
Not sure where you got that idea from... It sounds a bit like a misreading of the many worlds interpretation, which holds that all possible alternate histories and futures are real and exist in parallel to our own. And I suppose there is the phenomenon of quantum tunneling, but such effects are relevant only on the subatomic scale. None of that means that you can switch between realities or teleport at will though.