NASA says there big announcement is that europa spurts out water ice from an ocean under it's crust witch is nice but we already new this, I think this is simply a cover up for what they really found witch I think might be that the red markings around Europa are in fact bacteria i.e life.


Can't tell if serious or...?

Why in the world would NASA hide the biggest discovery of all time? Also, how could they possibly know that without landing some kind of probe on the surface and looking at it through a microscope?

As for the subsurface oceans, while there have long been suspicions, this is (AFAIK) the first real evidence, that actually gives scientists an opportunity to study the composition of that ocean. And it also suggests the icy crust might be thinner than we had anticipated, which is great news for the possibility of future exploration.


Will PepsiCo or other corprations claim exploitation rights to this purported space water?

"Ah, señor, those are voodoo drums!"


I love that song by Gato Barbieri:

God did not create man in his own image; man created god in his own image.
