MovieChat Forums > Science > Connection between teleportation and tim...

Connection between teleportation and time travel (to the past)

Suppose an object was teleported to the Moon and back to Earth as soon as it was there. Since the object was relocated instantly and didn't really travel, is it actually ~3 seconds in the past once it's back to it's original spot on Earth?


In other words, is true teleportation possible? If yes, then shouldn't in theory faster than light travel be possible?


Does thought travel faster than light?
Or is that a separate subject?

Impossible is illogical.
Lack of evidence is not proof.
 +  = 


Logic tells me that the past should still exists somewhere out there, even if it's beyond the reach.


I'm not saying it's the easiest way nor the best way but it should be done with an object that decompose itself at a measurable rate.

That way we could estimate the decomposition/decay over those 3 seconds versus what state of decomposition it has once it's has been teleported to the Moon and back.

By comparing the results we could see if there have been a significant alteration in its "timeline" so to speak.

While it may save objects or living organism from the effects of "time" I do not think it would be the gate to traveling in the past as something similar to what happens in Back to the Future.

Well that's just my take.


Why do you think teleportation is instantaneous?
