MovieChat Forums > Religion, Faith, and Spirituality > Geydar Dzhemal on Islam (my translation)

Geydar Dzhemal on Islam (my translation)

"......Many Muslims find themselves dependent on that domain of thought that ultimately leads to the idea that reality is universally connected and total. We see that within the context of contemporary thinkers, Muslims occupy a rather strange position. At one point, we were the great Caliphate, the great mind, that guided the path of history, that realized human ideals, installing within the context of the time, practical measures of equality, justice, freedom to exchange ideas, trade from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean; gathered information, wrote nearly 100,000 books on scientific works in Arabic until the arrival of the Mongols. Then, somehow all of this collapsed, and today we are bombed, occupied, blamed, and harassed. We no longer produce anything, organize anything, set any goals, we do not traverse space or build dams. Why? Perhaps because there does not exist the intellectual method. The intellectual method, like the experience of Europe shows us, even bad and erroneous, is better than the absence of any such method. But we do not need an erroneous or bad one. We need an intellectual method based on the Quran...."
