Why Abortion is murder

Human == human being. They are largely synonymous.

Definition of human being:

-- any individual of the genus Homo, especially a member of the species Homo sapiens.

Definition of human :

-- of, relating to, or characteristic of humans

-- having human form or attributes

It goes like this, the Fetus just describes its state of development, So the killing of the human fetus is murder by definition.

If you kill a pregnant woman in a car accident ,you can be charged with manslaughter of the woman and her fetus, and a person is also charged with first degree murder for giving his pregnant girlfriend abortion pills.


If you kill a pregnant woman in a car accident ,you can be charged with manslaughter of the woman and her fetus, and a person is also charged with first degree murder for giving his pregnant girlfriend abortion pills.

It's the same reason sex isn't rape if the other person is consenting, genius. Consent and choice are what matters in the case of abortion. Not this pathetic attempt to play on people's emotions by calling it murder.


sensei, how do they get consent from the baby?


Pussing out on that fact took you out of the conversation.

Leave it to the grown-ups now.

All roads lead to truth if you're willing to travel honestly.


If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

I'm sorry, did you think your question was clever? Though it wouldn't surprise me if you were the type of person to ask that question as well.


how can a baby consent to be aborted?


The baby doesn't consent to be killed "genius".


any individual

You quickly defeated your own argument. Well done.

Hunters have a perverted gun fetish, so sayeth a terrorist supporting kiddie-fiddler.



Murder, by definition, is illegal killing. Additional laws were enacted to allow charges for killing a pregnant woman, over and above killing her.

If you think abortion is murder, then you're clearly fine with no new laws about it.

All roads lead to truth if you're willing to travel honestly.
