MovieChat Forums > Religion, Faith, and Spirituality > Who said multiculturalism is a bad thing...

Who said multiculturalism is a bad thing?

This is possibley the best thing I've seen this Xmas. I think they're Sikhs who seem to be happy to turn anything into a party in my experience. They seem far less po-faced than most Christians and Muslims anyway.

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.


christians tend to get upset when anyone rocks their white jesus life raft.



It really depends on the culture, if it's Islamic culture then obviously its bad.

formerly known as Saoradh


How did the Irish paedo escape my ignore list? Did you get a ban with your last account?

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.


I don't think it's a bad thing, and would prefer some cultural diversity to monoculturalism. But overall, I feel that multiculturalism gets far too much credit. It presumes that just because someone has a darker skin colour than you, that they inherently have something of unique value to contribute that nobody of pale skin could bring.

Culture reflects the day to day life of people, and white people aren't the only people in the world who lead mundane and unexceptional lives. I really don't see how just having people with brown skin in the office is going to make my workplace a more 'dynamic' place. I don't see why I'm supposed to be giddy every time I see a brown face going past me on a street.

The event that you are posting in your video would be unexceptional if it were, for example, white Scottish people doing Highland dancing. So if attention is only ever drawn to such events in an 'aww look at the cute widdle brown people' kind of way, whilst white people are ignored, then of course people are going to assume that the brown people have a better sense of fun.

It could be a balloon. It could be Franky. It could be very fresh and clean. It could be those ways.


What a stupid racist ( in the true sense) rant!

Honestly, sometimes you just sound like an autistic curmudgeon!


How is it racist?

formerly known as Saoradh


According to the definition

noun: racism
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
"theories of racism"

You are doing that consistently throughout this little rant.

I don't think it's a bad thing, and would prefer some cultural diversity to monoculturalism. But overall, I feel that multiculturalism gets far too much credit. It presumes that just because someone has a darker skin colour than you, that they inherently have something of unique value to contribute that nobody of pale skin could bring.

Culture reflects the day to day life of people, and white people aren't the only people in the world who lead mundane and unexceptional lives. I really don't see how just having people with brown skin in the office is going to make my workplace a more 'dynamic' place. I don't see why I'm supposed to be giddy every time I see a brown face going past me on a street.


You are doing that consistently throughout this little rant.
I'm not Micee.

How are those quotes racist?

formerly known as Saoradh
